Monday, November 23, 2015


 It's been quite awhile since I've posted a blog. A couple things have happened that have certainly gotten the best of me. But I've finally had time to come to terms with somethings and also realize that I'm more than what others may think I am! 

So as we come into the holidays I'm here to tell you it gets better. And it can be hard to see that. It can sometimes feel like your world is falling apart and you may even feel alone in it all. But it's not, and your certainly not alone. 

I know it. Because I often have moments where I feel alone, so totally alone. And it's a rough feeling, especially when your going through some hardships. And let's be real there's always at least one person that doesn't help that matter in anyway. 

In the past few months I've had a few things happen. And I've let what people said about me get the best of me. I've had my fair share of crying and lashing out. But then I realized that everybody goes through something. And that the people talking, well I'm better than what they think and better than them. 

Which brings me to this: Don't let that person get you down. Don't let that situation get you down. And don't let yourself get you down! 

You are more than what people think of you. You are more than the situation your in. Your more than what you think you are. 

Your just that, MORE!! 

Taylor swift said it best. Haters are gonna hate, so just shake it off! Shake it all off. Get up, dust those shoulders off, and lift your head up high. You can do this. You can make it through this tough time. You can make it through today. 

Today's a new day! Try looking at things in a new fresh perspective. It's the week of Thanksgiving. Take this time to not worry or stress. Instead take this time to look at the blessings in your life. Your family, your loved ones, your job, Ect. I promise when you count the blessings you'll find you have a lot more going for you than you think. 

So go make today your bitch! 

Happy Thanksgiving 
<3 Jesus is the Wayy!! <3


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