Sunday, July 31, 2016

Here's To Never Growing Up

Here’s To Never Growing Up

Time. Past, present, and future. It comes and goes. Slow and fast. Never ceasing. If you don’t watch closely it will flash before your eyes. Remember when you were young? You’d get in trouble and tell your parents how you couldn’t wait to grow up. Then the next thing you know your in your twenties calling your mom asking for her help on how to make yourself dinner. 

Remember the times of play-do and crayons, waking up early for Saturday morning cartoons, sleepovers that never once resulted in sleep? Remember the times of creativity and imagination? Remember the times when you’d meet up with your friends on your bikes and just go? Do you remember the times when we never had responsibilities?

I know its part of growing up. At some point we stop playing dress up and make believe and eventually put on our big girl panties and advance into the world. Its crazy to think how fast everything happens. How one minute were little kids playing make believe, then fast forward and were trying to figure out if we have enough money for a burrito after paying all the bills. Grey’s Anatomy asked the questions best:

When did we grow up? And how in the world do we make it stop?

Don’t get me wrong there is a lot of fun to being an adult. We can buy and legally drink alcohol, we can stay out as late as we want, we can make our own decisions (within a legal aspect), we can throw our things around and not have to worry about picking up after ourselves. Being an adult isn’t all that bad. But when we were kids we never read the fine print to being an adult when we wished so hard to grow up.

The moral of this post is to remember to not get so caught up in the adult world. I can certainly say i don’t. I still put on snow pants and play in the snow. I turn on the music up loud and dance in my underwear. I sing as loud as i can in the shower. I lay in bed and binge on Marvel movies and Transformers. If I’m in Barnes and Nobles and see the Sailor Moon comics don’t think i won’t buy one. And i certainly walk around trying to catch pokemon! I’m still a nerdy kid at heart and no amount of adult duties will change that.

So with that in mind. Take a minute from your adult duties. Turn on some music and dance it out. Go sit on the couch and watch an old movie from your childhood. Go play in the snow. Life is to short to be so busy in the ways of this world. Don’t spend so much time stressing about money or bills. Don’t spend so much time thinking about the future. Stop and look around. Because before you know it time will get the best of you and you’ll be looking back wondering why you never lived.

“How pleasant to see a new day dawning….Young people, it’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give account to God for everything you do.” (Ecclesiastes 11: 7, 9)

Remember Jesus is the Wayy!

~ Lexi

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