Saturday, February 11, 2017



"When your mind gets tired, and your heart grows cold. When you find yourself at the crossroads, just don't let go. When your mind gets tired, and your heart grows cold. When you find yourself at the crossroads, just don't lose hope. Look me right in the eyes, I promise everything will be alright. We are all in this fight" 

I’m a strong person. I can hold my own. 

Lets get real now.

I didn’t use to be as strong as i am now. Both mentally and physically. I used to be naive. Fairy tales were real and happy endings were the result. I didn’t believe in betrayal or broken hearts. I didn’t believe in those things.

But reality has a way of biting you in the ass. Making you realize how life isn’t as shiny and sunny as you thought it was. It has a way of building walls that soon show to be impenetrable.

Life is a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs, its flips and corkscrews, and every now and then you might get stuck somewhere along the way. Its an amazing adventure but lets be real, life can be a straight up bitch! 

You know what I’m talking about. Things will be going along just fine. Your just floating your boat when all of a sudden the universe throws you some kind of thing that starts to sink your boat. So in that moment you have to decide, do you sink with your boat or do you get the hell out and swim?

Shit happens! There is no such thing as an easy road. There is going to be a few pot holes and road blocks. Things are going to get tough. But you have to buck up and push on.

My life has been full of ass bitings. not literally. (ha! i made myself laugh.) We’ve had those things that have happened that stun us and you wonder how can you go on. I’ve lost friends, had breakups, lost Goldie and had my all time favorite horse sold (he's back home now).

But I survived. 

People think the bad situations define them. But actually its how you handle those situations that define you. I’ve gone though a lot in my short 23 years. And its shaped me to be who i am today. Some may say I’m young and naive. But that's far from the truth.

I want to be extraordinary. I don't want to be just plain Jane. I don't want to be boring. I want to go out and experience life. How and what i do shouldn't affect others. What I do and say has no reflection on anyone but myself. And that's okay.

I want to win pageants. I want to one day have to guts to sky dive. I want to travel to Ireland and Scotland. I want to show my horse and win. I want to have more Sire Stake winners. I want to make some type of difference in this shitty world. I have goals. I have dreams. I have things that I want to do.

So do you.

I've learned recently that people are going to try and dictate what you should do in your life. They are going to give you their opinions and advice. Their going to try and sway your decisions or force theirs on you.

Don't let them. Don't let what life and others throw at you change you. When life throws something your way stand tall. No matter how bad it hurts, hold yourself together. When someone tells you that you can't do something, prove them wrong. Because in the grand scheme of it all, we are given one life. And even if its all over the place sometimes, its still a gift.

Follow your dreams! Work hard! Forgive but don't forget! Learn from your mistakes! Love who you want to love! Be open and honest! Do what makes YOU happy!

When life looks at you head on and you think your going to crumble and fall. Remember Gods with you. He has a plan. He has your back. And when you feel all alone, He's there!

Remember <3 Jesus is The Wayy!! <3
