Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Record Year



"New Year, New Me."

That's what everyone is saying. But that's not me. Do i have New Years Resolutions? Not really. Let me explain. The year ends and we all believe its a new year, its a new start. But yet we shouldn’t have to wait a whole 365 days to have a fresh start. Everyday is a second chance to change things and do whats best.

What i want for this year is i want to be the best i can be. I don’t want to let things bother me, i don’t want to turn my back on those who need me, i want to love unconditionally even if it hurts. Am i going to change myself. Absolutely not. I’m simply going to improve myself and try to let go of the things that aren’t becoming of me. 

For example, I’m back in the gym not to look great (that's just a plus) but because it helps me let off some steam and helps put me in a better mood. Instead of throwing all my old stuff out I’ve decided to give it to those who could use it. Donate it for good use. I’ve decided that those I don’t get along with to pray for them but let them go. I’ve decided that no matter what happens i will love unconditionally. These are going to be hard tasks but in the end I will feel so much better about myself and my life. 

I’ve wrote a blog earlier saying to let go of the past things that have bothered you. I say it again. Live your life. Don’t let what someone said or did to you define you. This is your life. You don’t need to change anything. Maybe a simple improvement. Kinda like when Apple comes out with a new iOS update. 

God created you to be just that, you. He didn’t create you to look like or act like someone else. We are created in His image. We are each created to be unique and different than everyone else. 

So lets make 2017 great. Do what you love! Love yourself more! Go hangout with some great friends! Remember that bucket list you created, crush it this year! Don’t be scared of the unknown, be freaking brave! Be kind to others, but those who are assholes- give them the boot. Who cares who hurt you in the past Love Harder and Love Louder!

Remember tomorrow is never promised. We assume that when we go to bed we will in fact wake up the next morning. We worry and stress about the things of tomorrow and beyond. But I'm here to tell you to let that go. Forget about tomorrow. You never know if this is in fact your last day.

Its 2017 lets kick its ass!!!

Lets make it a record year!