Sunday, December 11, 2016

Better Off This Way

Better Off This Way


Everyone has at least one regret in their life. Everyone has something they regret saying or doing. It may be small or maybe even a big one. But don’t try to fool yourself. We all have at least one. Its not bad, its not wrong, its called being human. 

You might regret something you said to someone. Maybe regret that guy you dated. Or maybe regret drinking a bunch one night and embarrassing yourself a bit….

just me? oh

Okay in all seriousness. Regretting something is not a bad thing at all. As long as you don’t wallow in self pity and let the regret consume your life. Sometimes regret can actually help put things in perspective for one. I’ll use myself as an example.

I sometimes regret switching high schools and graduating early. 

There's that friendship i regret letting go.

I regret spending that time dating that one guy.

But when it comes down to it I’m okay with how things played out. Just those small things (except my beloved car ha!) could have changed my course. I could be somewhere completely different than i am now. I could have a normal job and not be in the harness racing industry. I might not have met the friends I have now or be with Mike, I might not even have Snooze. (Woah, i can’t even think of an alternate world such as that.)

Graduating early helped me find the job i absolutely love. Letting that toxic friendship go helped me recognize what true friendship looks like. Breaking up helped me venture out and expand my horizons, helped me realize how i deserve to be treated. And Mike does a very good job of loving me for me!

The moral of this is that it is okay to look back and maybe regret a few things. Its totally normal. No ones life is perfect. Trust me. Instagram and Facebook may show you the perfect side of someones life but if you look closely and read the fine print you’ll realize that life isn’t as perfect as you thought. So remember that everything that has happened is all part of the beautiful plan God has planned for you.

So go ahead and take that second to look back and regret. But that's it. This is life. Take advantage of it. Make memories, laugh at your mistakes, take it all in and enjoy it. Because before you know it you'll blink and its gone. Its one big roller coaster and man its a hell of a ride!

"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take!"

<3 Jesus is the Wayy!! <3
