Sunday, September 11, 2016

Shine On

Shine On

For I know the plans I have you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Ive had writers block for a few weeks now. But I had a moment as i was leading horses where i felt God tugging at my heart. I’ve always wanted to be an authentic woman, I’ve always wanted to be real. And I was a one point. I’d like to say I finally am now. 

I have big dreams. Dreams to inspire, dreams to make a difference, dreams to encourage. I want people to remember me for being a good person. I want people to look at me and see that no matter what I have been through my faith has always been whats gotten me through everything. 

But when you have dreams like that, you have doubts too. You wonder if you’ll ever achieve those dreams, wonder how you’ll do it, or wonder if someone else out there is better qualified to do as such. When you let your dreams succumb to your doubts well thats when things get a little tricky. 

I can certainly speak from experience. I’m a girl with some crazy goals and dreams but I’ve made the mistake of listening to my doubts. I’ve been harsh on myself. I’ve talked myself out of opportunities and I’ve beaten myself down. I’ve had the struggle of constantly looking in the mirror and downgrading the girl looking back. I’ve looked at other girls and wondered why can’t i look like her or why i can’t do the things she does. I’ve let my doubts take over my mind.

The mind is a wonderful but dangerous thing. It can be the creator of some amazing things, but it can be the death to dreams. In todays society so many of us are pushed to be more than what we are. We see the people on television and think we should look like them, or we see people at the age of 22 building their own companies and wondering why are we still working in this same job.

But the thing of it all is we are all different. We are all designed and built to do different things than others. We each have a beautifully made plan just for us. And i know its so much easier to hear that than believe it. I’ve been there numerous times. 

We are who we are. We aren’t supposed to look like Becky or talk like jack or whatever. We are supposed to be ourselves. I’m me and the only person thats as good as Lexi is in fact me! We need to stop comparing ourselves to other people. We need to be comfortable in our own skin and not worry about what its like to be in others. We need to remember we are exactly who God created uss to be.

We are all born with the power to do incredible things. We are all born to go out and change the world if we want. We are all born to be extraordinary. We are all born with that power. But its up to you on how you choose to use it. 

So i ask you, will you go out and chase your dreams? or will you succumb to your doubts?

I think I might go jump Snooze, chase another crown, or maybe get a tattoo. 

Cristina Yang said it best “The world is your oyster. Make lemonade.”

<3 Jesus is the Way! <3

